If I were a stereotypical thrill-seeker, today I went skydiving after work.
I accomplished things that gave me an adrenaline rush that kept rolling.
It doesn’t change anything, but the rush is fuel for my soul.
I conquered some fears that pick up every metaphoric brick I let fall away and put it back where it belongs.
I got this.
Lol. I almost forgot.
Today I cold-called the president of a company to pitch an idea I have to diversify his revenue stream without investing in new machinery. Random, right?
I actually wrote the presentation more than two months ago and tested it on a few trusted, objective people from different relationship circles in my life with flying colors.
Why today did I finally leap and go for it?
I had to get there. Sure I sent a message through their website once. Nothing, no response. Not cool, but sadly typical these days. So I called once, wasn’t prepared enough – didn’t get to the CEO. <click>
This time, I was on a roll and I actually had the right mindset, more research completed, bullet points of the ice breaker if I get past the receptionist, even if it was his voicemail. Why not. It’s a good idea and I need them to make it happen. Well, they’re closest. Maybe they’re butts. I have to find out.
BAM! Got the voicemail, and his extension if I ever needed moving forward. Yep. That happened.
This boost in my confidence vibe that made receptionist Patty willingly patch me through was the result of the adrenaline rush from the plane I jumped out of theoretically a half-hour before.
I had just sent off a direct email to a stranger who makes successful films and movies, and has for decades. Yep. I hit ‘send’. No going back now.
That rush allowed me to muster up the gumption to try that CEO again.
A show pitch? First time putting it to paper. For some random reason, I had this lightbulb of an idea for an original series program on any streaming channel of your choice. I wanted to pitch it. I felt the urge to. Why not?
So last week I sat there thinking through all the people I’ve met that I genuinely care about that can help me to a door that’s much better odds than getting through the clutter.
I thought, man – there’s no way to crack into that industry unless I can ask someone but that means my brother and I am asking him to ask someone to ask someone else. I don’t like doing that and neither does he. But if it came to it, he would. Nah.
What else can I do?
Then I thought, you know what? If there’s any friend I trust and knows everybody, it’s my dear friend and previous colleague, Michael. Within five minutes he texts me his friend’s contact info and said he agreed to talk to me and see how he can help – not even knowing what that was. That’s a blessing right there.
So five days ago, I starting researching online and watching videos about pitching, formats, etc. I couldn’t go in half-cocked like the deal two months ago. I used my phone a friend to have it on paper as close to what I saw you had to do as possible. First jump.
Now – I have NO idea if he’s going to give me a thumbs up or say, ‘Hey Heather, don’t quit your day job.’ But, hey. You gotta go for it, right?
Speaking of day job, tonight I received a final draft to approve for a trademark application for a fin-tech thing I pitched almost two years ago that the company agreed to trust me and fund. A patent in process, too. The attorneys are cool fin-tech patent and trademark experts in Cincinnati, Oh. Feels so official.
Today I jumped. It felt so amazing I jumped again. Then I got to approve a trademark application that was spot on awesome. So many firsts yet so validating, too.
You know what? The chances of either pitch working out are rare. Very rare. They most likely won’t ever become real. I don’t mind.
I figure it’s like the Power Ball and I finally got out there, bought some tickets and chose some really good numbers.
We will see.
Until then, I’ll keep chugging along. Trying. Thinking. Writing. Observing. Listening. Keeps ya young, I suppose.
It’s oh so much more interesting. What is your adrenaline fix? Accomplishment list? A great thrift store find? A freshly landscaped yard? A great workout? Concerts? Racing?
Thanks for reading,