The tragedy of Kobe brings Hollywood together.

By January 26, 2020 October 29th, 2022 Heather

Today, as we hear the sad, awful news that the VP of the NBA, Kobe Bryant tragically passed away in a helicopter accident, we can take comfort in knowing that his passing has not been in vain.

It’s caused a country of healing. It’s caused the largest forgiveness movement of Hollywood’s biggest proponents of burning every man who ever had a questionable action against women.

The tragedy has allowed us to move past #8 Kobe, and focus on #24 Kobe.

We truly are becoming a united society of partisanship.

Like for instance, John Legend jumped out for the R Kelly documentary to explain why he regrets profiting off of partnerships with him as he was unaware of what his behaviors were. I mean, R Kelly was accused and in court several times prior, but they weren’t founded so it didn’t occur that maybe they were accurate. But now that we know, Yes, he made the brave decision to stand out and say something.

He realizes Kobe had a court case that ended because the accuser at the last minute refused to testify. They settled in civil court and he had to publicly apologize, buy his wife a very expensive ring and the woman went away.

So, these comments made in the case were no longer valid, I suppose.

You can read the entirety here, but you don’t have to. It was a long time ago.

Yes. 2020 is a new year indeed. We are all working the inroads to come together and forgive. Finally. I’ve prayed for this for so long.

I mean, even the biggest voice in the #MeToo movement and hatred for our United States government, Alyssa Milano, has forgiven the accused and made it a point to publicly reach out and offer her prayers to the family.

If she can do it, we can too! #MeToo

I am glad we can come to this point of forgiveness. I hope Dream Hampton, the producer of Surviving R. Kelly is looking up whether or not tragic deaths create a null contract for all of the gag orders we don’t know about for the women who were gagged. Literally.

She’ll have a lot of celebrities to call on for interviews. We can all embrace the story, the growth and the consistent judgments we have all now agreed to follow.

Does this mean Rooster can come back to the Ranch????? Oh man, I hope so.

I heard he may come back. This really is a year of healing.

I am so glad the loss of this fantastic NBA athlete has a silver lining.

Rest in peace Kobe. Thank you.


By the way, are the Grammy’s becoming the foreshadowing of the Hunger Games being a thing?

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