In reflection, I think it would be so cool if Miranda Lambert read little ole me’s story post of this idea. I felt inspired to create a flip side to that beautiful vinyl. Here’s my opportunity thought:
I relate to 100% of her intentions within every song she writes solo or in group. Whatever her issue, anyone can relate to the pain of that. That’s why she’s awesome anyway. It shows.

What if she tweaked the context of the main lyrics to my all time favorite , “Ain’t my Momma’s Broken Heart” to “Just Trust My Momma’s broken heart” as a dedication to special women who’ve got a lot of stuff going on right now so that the overarching message changes from trying to live up to society’s unattainable standards to which her mother expects of her… rather to “Oh my smart, sweet girl, I’ve been there,too, and if you feel like this he was nothing but a lesson to know because I’ve been at that low and I didn’t never want you to feel what that feels like but now that you do, you’ll know what real feels like. Otherwise you might not know because if you only settle you could let real slip away.
Just ask Bridesmaids.

So you cut your bangs. So you did some off-character thing the town stared at. You got hit hard girl. You wanna cry all over and all ugly down your face. You wanna go to Walmart in your pjs and get some more of that sangria on sale. I hear ya.
But guess what? Now if you’ll please – Knock it off. Don’t give him the glory of knowing he writes your story- he ain’t got that power over you. How would Arya ever defeat the Nightwalker king feeling that way?

It’s alot more acceptable in public when it’s because you’re mourning that love of your heart in the inevitable vulnerability that comes with real love That tragically ends too soon however the story goes. That’s the greater risk of deep pain than this loser who is too ignorant to see your worth.
We can argue which pain feels worse.
At each end of the spectrum of loss is the same insurmountable pain but there’s a difference to having a wolf in sheep’s clothing than having badass hot wolf raised by sheep amongst his sheep family who loves you back just as fierce

So get through it. Cry it out. But keep that tight to ourselves. Sheep wolves find that a lot more attractive than chicks with weird bangs.
So wipe your face and let’s go home, get a good Jessica Lange DVD, wine and candles from TJMaxx and let it go. Cleanse before the 180 in what you deserve you package woman you.
One sentence tweak in one awesome song can say all that.
And to my Ms. Muthatruckin Miranda, I hope you agree, too. Cause this girl Is out there right now going through that while feeling helpless on the other side she can’t see yet- but together we can help her get there. We all deserve to get there. To be ok and ready for the real deal.
Can I get an amen?
“Just like your Momma’s broken heart”
You got this My baby girl. Remember where you came from.
Thanks for reading,
PS I would to tell Ms. Miranda myself what my story for Gun Powder and Lead 2.020 is. Classic spin to a classic.