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HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Just the Facts, Ma’am

There's alot of things we know, we either don't think about it or weren't paying attention. We hold these truths, what shall we do with them? Here are statements I think we all, as Americans united, can agree are factual. Fact: We cannot choose our gender, race, family or intrinsic qualities. Fact: We know there’s a ladder and a ceiling. Some have further to climb, some climb anyway and some had help from those who climbed on their behalf. Fact: We know in 2005 the Supreme Court ordered the Ten Commandments to be removed from courtrooms all over the south. Fact: We know in 2012 Obama made the biggest funding cut in mental health in more than thirty years. He…
July 11, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Staying Safe during Masked Destruction DIY

Many of my friends and neighbors have been #SafeAtHome during the Pandemic which has led to many home improvement projects. I've not had the #AloneTogether experience, but that's not a criticism. I did get some days here or there to work from home and saved alot of money not going out or traveling for vacations. So I, like many, am tackling home improvement projects with the bonus cash earned by what I've named Forced Frugality. I happen to be very privileged to have found my dude. My hombre. My love of a lifetime. My partner in crime. He also happens to be a BOSS at construction both new and renovation. For those who do not live with a craftsman, you…
July 2, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Can I Mask a Question?

Masks I fully agree with every frontline worker who wear masks being very angry on Facebook about those refusing to wear masks. But I don’t want to wear one either. We need to come together and agree on something. We disagree with the purpose we are told for why they are needed now when they weren’t before. Even several weeks into this shutdown. I feel the underlying issue that neither side is saying is why Medical professionals wear them and why we are supposed to wear them. Medical professionals must wear PPE to protect themselves from exposure of those they care for and save. The general public is being shunned into wearing whatever because everyone is afraid of us. Now…
May 18, 2020