I am not sure if I had any type of epiphany, but the thinking within myself propelled me to put down my paintbrush and start writing it down before it escapes my ever fleeting brain streaming. Had to hard save it I guess. I was thinking of activism and the cultural laws we follow as a society. Perhaps its at that core of the issue that we indeed find a way for majority care is some of the most disparate, horrific and tucked away behaviors that lead and have led to generations of inhumane torture of the mind, soul and body. Could this be it?! Let me roll. At first, I was going to dive in by showing pictures of…
About a year or more ago, I realized I wasn’t showing gratitude to God as well as I was for a while and that perhaps that was the reason I was so miserable at work and regressing back into stress health issues. It hit me square in the face like, duh! I bought a traditional prayer candle and kept it front and center in my kitchen, which is open to the living room and where I spend most of my home time. It reminded me every time I was home that I needed to light it and say something. Anything. It made a difference. It brought me back into a regular, casual relationship with God that I thought I already…
HeatherApril 30, 2023
Oh imagine the irony of it all. I had lunch with someone and she was so delightful and we get along so well and she gave me all these advanced, intelligent suggestions on how to leverage my art and let more people see my fun. Top of the list I wanted to check out further was this online place called Spatial and it's a virtual art gallery that people then can enter and see all of your art in one place and I thought that is phenomenal! It's neat! It's a new way of storing your art and displaying it! How fun you know it gets into deeper stuff like all the NFT's and what not. So yeah. Worth a…
HeatherApril 2, 2023
Alot of the words I write don't ever go past drafts. Sometimes I just type and go and see what happens and then when I go back to it I realize it's done it again. It went there. I get it. I got this weird knack for adding a long tail to the kite. Sometimes when I see how things connect to each other, it lights up for me and I guess it can throw people off cause it's not obvious. I don't know why. I spent a long time denying it was anything more than luck. I'm not always right either. But gosh darn it, it's pretty flipping good. When I learned what batting averages meant and how high…
HeatherOctober 14, 2022
I went tub diving yesterday and found out I was cool back in the early 90’s. Who knew. I sure didn’t think I was.
HeatherAugust 21, 2022
The epidemic has led to campaigns for citizens to carry naloxone and be vigilant about finding people who are overdosing to bring them back and save them as first responders.
HeatherJuly 10, 2022
I wanted to put solid information out there for some calm thoughts to process during this wild storm of destruction. I believe this division is engineered and here's why. I agree a man can want to become a woman. I agree a woman can want to become a man. I agree a man can sometimes want to be a woman and sometimes not. I agree a woman can want to be a man sometimes and other times return to being a woman. I agree a man can want to be a man and prefer sex with other men. I agree a woman can want to be a woman and prefer sex with other women. I think that about covers the…
HeatherJune 26, 2022
I think that within the bellies of the whales that we call US government and places like the Vatican, only then will we really know truth. We’ve been purposely left in the dark for generations now. For instance, it’s taken more than 50 years to get some answers about JFK’s murder plot and it’s still only based on people who dedicated their time to dig and dig and dig. We still don’t know what exactly went down with how Europeans got here, whether Native tribes really hunted against one another or not, why JFK, MLK, RFK were assassinated, John Lennon, Manson’s LSD CIA experiments in San Francisco, and what Marilyn must’ve known. Princess Diana, Bay of Pigs, 9/11…I can go…
HeatherApril 5, 2022
This is probably my saddest and most negative story ever and I didn’t intend for it to be. It’s like whats inside me now and it’s so heavy it’s effecting everyone around me so I have to get it out. This could very well be my last personal writing piece for some time. Maybe all time. I know deep down in my heart that’s not true but then again if I can continue forcing myself into this new mindset perhaps it is. I’m going to stop. Forceably stop myself from creating any ideas outside of normal life. I know, I know, many of you are relieved. Finally! She’s going to shut. Up. No more random interruptions of some hair brained…
HeatherJanuary 9, 2022
Excuse me please. Yeah. That totally happened. It's happened before but I've always pulled through and fought it back. It's very rare but today I had to excuse myself and chose to not return. Yet I feel proud of myself. Sure, some of the suits may write me off as some emotional girl or something but dang it felt good. They weren't tears of frustration or tears of lacking girl resilience. It was rather because my body no longer knew what to do at that point but start flushing. I had the Best Day!!! Last evening a college student who's been assisting on some data trending on customer spending preferences asked to meet to show where she's at and where…
HeatherDecember 28, 2021
I grew up calling those white flowering florets wrapped in plastic at the grocery store call-ah-flower. Now I can't say if it just took me 45+ years to notice it, or it's because it sounds so different it struck me to pay notice now. But sometimes, I hear English-as-a-first-language people refer to it as cuh-lee-flower. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that everything you can replace with cauliflower is now in high demand so there's a grand influx of people having cauliflower discussions making the usage more prominent. Usually, the only time you would say that word in a small talk discussion was over making a veggie tray. Now there's radio ads promoting the latest pizza crust…
HeatherDecember 5, 2021
We're not supposed to bring up all the bad stuff that everyone has accepted. You know, the stuff we’re used to. I am. Here it goes. If we accept that some people are more deserving than others, something happens. We get used to stuff, because, obviously, it's not us. It's them. We are used to looking away at the homeless. We are used to commercials soliciting donations to get disabled veterans a home or sick kids free health care or animal rescues, because our taxes don't go to that. We are used to the government blowing our social security savings on whatever they decide and not repaying it. We are used to autism. We are used to food allergies, pollution…
HeatherOctober 28, 2021
I’m starting to try stuff I haven’t done to see if I can do it. Last weekend I found a picture of a Van Gogh Night Sky with Sasquatch. It’s my favorite painting and inspired my ankle tattoo but I wondered if I had what it takes to paint it myself. I used to paint all the time and like it. I just not wonderful at it. I’m ok. Decent. It’s relaxing. And I did it. I made my own version while trying to follow along. I like to buy chunky canvases from goodwill. At $3 and two inches thick- you can’t buy it for that. Most canvas you buy is skinny and I wanted it to look real old…
HeatherSeptember 4, 2021
I decided to dig out the mixed media art mindset I used to have. At times when there were no words, I would make art speak for me. Been a loooooong time as words tend to come easy for me. Yet the hours spent in searching, cutting, gluing and mixing textures and pictures to articulate reality is actually rather relaxing. I recommend everyone explores ways to express their original feelings derived from their own opinions in ways that release you from reality. Only if for a little while. I call this piece, Living Beneath the Gates. For me it displays how I feel we, the majority and working class fuel the financial engines of the elitists - at a high,…
HeatherMarch 24, 2021
Things the mean girl in my head says to me: Why do I spend all this free time on building web posts and podcasts? I'm already sitting for my job as it is and now I sit in the same position even longer to do it. I bet people think you're crazy for doing it too and are tired of you talking about it. Me, in response to my own worst critic to nicely shut up: Why do I write and say things in a permanent record format? ie podcasts and public website entries of thoughts, ideas and beliefs? Because when is the last time they can say they sat alone with their own beliefs and original thoughts out loud,…
HeatherMarch 14, 2021
The silence keeps growing. More and more silence. We talk to less people. We share less and less original thoughts. We fear what may happen to our job, friends, family, marriage, children ... if we say what we think. And feel. We walk on egg shells without crushing any more. Tread silently. Not realizing what all this silence means. What staying silent will mean. They have taken our voice. We have let them in a chance of finding a better version of ourselves. We are now Ariel in a new dry world. How will we find the happy ending? How will we once sing freely again? One thing I can’t be silent about. Sadly. As a woman entrepreneur, I don’t qualify…
HeatherMarch 7, 2021
I can’t help but see these photos of the flocks of people- victims to criminals to traffickers and everyone in between from countries unknown - thousands upon thousands at a time. No waiting in line. No registration. No documents. To make this even more hysterical as we defund police and military, while increasing perks to living off the American grid for free, they get a free Biden t-shirt on their way across. Pass on thru. Here’s your free t-shirt. Enjoy the ride. bahahahahhahahahhahahahahah. This is real life. This. Is. Real. Life. I think about the logistics, implementation and system necessary to get some poor dedicated interns to have the balls to go outside our border to ask in fifty languages…
HeatherMarch 6, 2021
I started thinking about all the ways the media is trying to make each other hate each other while losing sight of the values that bind us together. It's down right head scratching maddening. And then I realized I bet everyone - no matter what 'sides' you decided to sign up for - I think you'd agree and question how we got here. It wasn't like this and we all know it. We all just want freedom and the American dream we painted on our definition canvas of #Winning. Same Skies to thee so Shine So there's the first thing we can agree on. If we can agree with that one thing... What else can we agree on? What else…
HeatherFebruary 26, 2021
Thank you, Pitbull. I can't believe it took nearly five months to stumble upon this truth he spoke openly last fall. His wisdom on the double standards and how many CEO's 'buy low and sell high' validates my thought of why more influencers like Pitbull need to speak out, regardless of the short-term ramifications NOW. Perhaps he believes it's time to buy low and bet on more than 75 million of of who will support him for standing tall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5KIAftglPM We know at least 75 million adults were counted who voted for the Americans First movement versus selling us out overseas. The 75 million of us who are hopeful that together, we can finally get all of us in the…
HeatherFebruary 16, 2021
Have you noticed the commercials on your streaming channels say Ad on them with a box to point that out? That’s new for a TV ad. Because it’s streaming. The cables and antennas are gone. It’s modems and routers plugged into the internet. Faster than ever and so everyone can have a device streaming as individuals, not families and gather that data. So is it now internet and therefore I assume no longer regulated by FCC? or are they? In my analytics conversations with media sales, we were very locked down even though we technically were collecting the data, the FCC prohibited sharing or analyzing it. Is that why main stream media is so blatantly obvious on its political stance…
HeatherFebruary 12, 2021
We follow so many rules yet ignore so many more. What if we just followed this one certain one followed up by self guidance?
HeatherJanuary 24, 2021
You know, I'm sitting here on the eve of an awesome Mexico excursion with our best friends and should be writing other stuff than flexing the muscle to tell a story for personal, non-profitable reasons. I've got three musts and three wish I coulds but I can't even fathom how I would structure that into my disciplines long enough to accomplish them. Someday though. If I'd just write for the other two reasons other than my own. Oh well. I'm not tired. The mix of emotions of leaving right now distract me from the focus on the other 2/3rds. Hoping the next 5 days of UV and no plans is just what we all need about right now. So when…
HeatherJanuary 16, 2021
I really ask myself why it’s so important to me to document so much for my family
HeatherNovember 1, 2020
Here's a story to ponder before anyone pillages another American neighbor or town. Civil wars are genocide when innocent children, women and men are killed in cold blood. We know the famous one - the Nazis vs. the Jews. Let's talk our lifetime. Let's just focus on the 90's and through today. The past 30 years as we've been asleep at the wheel but our troops have been there, on the ground as our leaders order them to be. Yugoslavia: 1991 - 2001 and still dealing with the aftermath. The entire region is now all new territory lines and broke out in civil war. Keep in mind, April 26th 1992 were the LA riots of looting, murder and destruction over…
HeatherAugust 11, 2020
In an effort to help others in public spaces of town avoid any embarrassing confrontations or misunderstandings, you gotta know the rules of your environment. Many places have different rules, which could become confusing. Here they are, simplified, by where you may be and during what time. Worker Rules Your boss is not required to disclose a possible exposure unless there’s a positive test to confirm the ill person has Corona. You won’t be considered at risk for exposure to the infected individual unless you were within their 6-foot social distance bubble for more than 15 minutes and did not wear a mask. This also would have had to occur during the 48 hours prior to the individual showing…
HeatherAugust 5, 2020
There's alot of things we know, we either don't think about it or weren't paying attention. We hold these truths, what shall we do with them? Here are statements I think we all, as Americans united, can agree are factual. Fact: We cannot choose our gender, race, family or intrinsic qualities. Fact: We know there’s a ladder and a ceiling. Some have further to climb, some climb anyway and some had help from those who climbed on their behalf. Fact: We know in 2005 the Supreme Court ordered the Ten Commandments to be removed from courtrooms all over the south. Fact: We know in 2012 Obama made the biggest funding cut in mental health in more than thirty years. He…
HeatherJuly 11, 2020
Many of my friends and neighbors have been #SafeAtHome during the Pandemic which has led to many home improvement projects. I've not had the #AloneTogether experience, but that's not a criticism. I did get some days here or there to work from home and saved alot of money not going out or traveling for vacations. So I, like many, am tackling home improvement projects with the bonus cash earned by what I've named Forced Frugality. I happen to be very privileged to have found my dude. My hombre. My love of a lifetime. My partner in crime. He also happens to be a BOSS at construction both new and renovation. For those who do not live with a craftsman, you…
HeatherJuly 2, 2020
I hadn't watched the Office until my son wanted to binge it on Netflix. I knew this Gervais bloke was behind the original UK version, and that the show is hilarious, but it didn't phase me in the least. My introduction to the Mr. Ricky Gervais came differently than most. Yet unexposed to the Office, I still absolutely adored his witty, authentic story telling since I landed the two season box set of Extras in 2009 from my brother, Adam. My goodness what a gift this man has. If you have HBO I recommend you check out Extras. After consuming his raw, fun look into what it's like to be an extra while waiting for the audition that changes everything,…
HeatherJune 3, 2020
Usually, when communities across a country can organize and centralize within a day, there's a hierarchy of leadership. Just as armies form and infiltrate to use force as a means to demand control. Generals, captains, sergeants... Photo Credit - Dallas Morning Star Who is their leader? Our fellow US citizens are fighting, destroying, burning - basically shitting in our own bed - alongside strangers who showed up in their neighborhoods with pallets of bricks. It's assumed by all the people at home posting memes of solidarity on social media that the intention is to get a positive result of change, which one would assume in their minds is to achieve racial equality, justice for George Floyd. We can all get…
HeatherMay 31, 2020
Masks I fully agree with every frontline worker who wear masks being very angry on Facebook about those refusing to wear masks. But I don’t want to wear one either. We need to come together and agree on something. We disagree with the purpose we are told for why they are needed now when they weren’t before. Even several weeks into this shutdown. I feel the underlying issue that neither side is saying is why Medical professionals wear them and why we are supposed to wear them. Medical professionals must wear PPE to protect themselves from exposure of those they care for and save. The general public is being shunned into wearing whatever because everyone is afraid of us. Now…
HeatherMay 18, 2020
I had a few thoughts on my commute in to work today. I first realized that I should appreciate the lighter traffic and open roads. Similar to the time I got stranded in the Detroit Airport by myself and just took it all in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgZwvvfvgVM This was me, back in my previous life of traveling, alot. I then thought, you know what, that Stan Lee is quite the foreshadowing king. This is probably what the five year timeline they had between End Game 1 and End Game 2 felt like when half the people disappeared. One day, everyone is gonna come back outside again and fill up the world. Until then, I'll take it all in. Then I started to…
HeatherMay 5, 2020
I have learned a lot about people socially during this Covidiocy we are in. I see a lot of opposing views and comments on social media, always have. These days I wonder if the work or stay home stress is causing it to be so much angrier. I just can't these days. I've begun socially distancing myself from social media for the sake of sanity. I only like social these days when I see what people are up to or sharing stories about their family or something they are proud of. Now that's about 1/3 of it. There's another 1/3 that are thoughts, memes, articles, or statements that align with me and validate I'm not alone. The remaining 1/3 are people…
HeatherApril 25, 2020
I wanted to take a walk. This wasn't my first walk since you know, this. But it was my first walk in a few days of possibilities to do it again. I used my yard as my physical activity lately with sunny, spring days. I just wanted a walk. Headspace. A good playlist as I Appreciate every clear, pain-free breath of fresh air. Or so I hoped. Then it became a jog and short cut back. Just go home, I thought. I'm a people pleaser, I get it. I'm the one that will go out of the way to ease someone else. That's not the issue. I totally take the high road so they don't have to. Some passerby’s are…
HeatherApril 8, 2020
This is the third Saturday since it began. You know, the COVID, Corona, quarantine, stay the eff home stuff started and it continues to get weirder. We are now to the point where the guidance says you can wear a mask if it makes you feel better but really since all the front line people need them, you can get by with a scarf or anything really that could act as a filter. I'm still me. Following that distance stuff and no mask. What I noticed on my fast trips to the kroger or like today, the first warm and sunny Saturday in April - Home Depot now has a clicker guy and a line to get on the roller…
HeatherApril 4, 2020
I keep reading all of these fear-inducing articles about what employees should fear losing their jobs right now – entry-level, duplicate duties, overpaid managers…. Look, I fully get that in a grim and gloom world, that’s a natural assessment of the weakest links who shouldn’t get a rose to move on to another week of reality. Sure, maybe this is the excuse your boss needed for some time to dismiss those types of employees who fit within the above stereotypes, but I'd call that a preexisting condition that affects the virus. Those employees you questioned in the past, the ones dodging confrontation before all this happened. Yet now that they’re roots are showing, in this all-hands-on-deck test of the…
HeatherMarch 31, 2020
Signs make things official. A sign makes a rule. A rule sets an expectation for the readers to follow. Signs Help Us We use signs as décor within our homes and landscaping to communicate our beliefs or passion or declaration of unity. There are signs to allow us the opportunity to self-educate or pay homage lest no one forget the real story. Lately, we have a new category for signs similar to the rules but merely policed by societal judgment. Sadly, I get it. The whole gamut of signs that had to be cranked out to immediately communicate the new way things gotta work around here if we’re going to be ok. Due to shipment limitations, please allow one pack…
HeatherMarch 29, 2020
I believe that starting today, the President should be able to approve any and all marketing plans for products that target our senior citizens as consumers. The specific advertising categories are drugs, unsound financial gimmicks or any service that uses fear and panic as the tactic for a call to action. Here's my why story to support that statement. Like, what the hell is this add about Heaven? Watch this - I couldn't believe it. https://youtu.be/Y-GIlSVpK-c These commercials run across all cable networks during the day. It's also the most affordable time to buy ad placements so if you're targeting seniors, you have impressive margins of return. Catch the Price is Right or Judge Judy sometime. You'll see. What bothers…
HeatherMarch 17, 2020
If you’re a buffalo, where you're born determines your qualityof life. I think they're Bison, actually? Bison Wild Wings just doesn't have that ring to it though. If you’re born in Yellowstone, you’re only threat ispossibly getting struck by a car. Live long and Prosper. If you’re born on a buffalo farm in Iowa, well, It may be tight spaces and facing amidlife meat cleaver. If you’re a cow born in India, you wear jewelry and have theright of way on all streets. You're cherished and sacred. Sidebar - There are more than 400 McDonald's in India. How does that work? If you’re a cow born in America, you’re what’s for dinner. And drink. And collagen. And rugs. It is…
HeatherMarch 15, 2020
Pretty surreal and validating experience flying this past week. Que the Phil Collins Drum solo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wwJUZCfpuI I must say, having round trip airplane rows to myself and a Chicago layover both ways with no lines was quite refreshing. Having the American Airlines ticketing staff call me by name while I was still at the kiosk was a memorable customer experience. “Hey, Heather - I’m printing your bag tag over here, you can bring it on over.” Well, thank you very much, Shari. I appreciate that. TSA checkpoint number 3 (Kiosk 1, bag checker 2) was all officers. And me. Since this was a personal trip, I had no laptops or baggies of little fluids to whip out with my shoes…
HeatherMarch 11, 2020
My wish, hope, prayer is that you get a day that’s yours. Here’s how I started mine. A day where the only interruptions are made by you. A day where the only decisions are made by you. A day where you create something satisfying. A day where you feel something gratifying. A day where you feel validated for taking your day. A day you cut out just for you, like a thin slice of pie after everyone’s had their fill. True Days Off A day you look forward to, experiencing positive anticipation while working up to it. A day you recognize is open and block on the calendar - without any guilt. A day where you can do whatever you…
HeatherDecember 30, 2019