
truth Archives - Oh Hey Heather | Say Something, comfortably


Hoping for Hope

I see it. I feel it. I read it. I experience it. So why not talk about it. Now that the lights have been turned on in the theater and we are all able to see what’s behind some of the stage and production at hand, It becomes a lot to process. Especially when we’re still adjusting our eyes to this new truth while more and more of it is buried, modified or just plain destroyed. Seeking truth – and nothing else – has become rather exhaustive when you no longer know what or whom to believe. What is showing clear, especially on this beautiful Easter morning is that the goal of every attack we are under is to destroy…
April 21, 2022
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Just the Facts, Ma’am

There's alot of things we know, we either don't think about it or weren't paying attention. We hold these truths, what shall we do with them? Here are statements I think we all, as Americans united, can agree are factual. Fact: We cannot choose our gender, race, family or intrinsic qualities. Fact: We know there’s a ladder and a ceiling. Some have further to climb, some climb anyway and some had help from those who climbed on their behalf. Fact: We know in 2005 the Supreme Court ordered the Ten Commandments to be removed from courtrooms all over the south. Fact: We know in 2012 Obama made the biggest funding cut in mental health in more than thirty years. He…
July 11, 2020