I keep reading all of these fear-inducing articles about what employees should fear losing their jobs right now – entry-level, duplicate duties, overpaid managers…. Look, I fully get that in a grim and gloom world, that’s a natural assessment of the weakest links who shouldn’t get a rose to move on to another week of reality.
Sure, maybe this is the excuse your boss needed for some time to dismiss those types of employees who fit within the above stereotypes, but I’d call that a preexisting condition that affects the virus.
Those employees you questioned in the past, the ones dodging confrontation before all this happened.
Yet now that they’re roots are showing, in this all-hands-on-deck test of the infinite game- it’s an easy way to get the results of seeing the true non-essentialness show through, the person not the position, the invisible virus your rockstars have endured for way too long – but that’s not the headlines or negative angles we’re covering to the masses of people who are currently trying their best to succeed in this once amazing economy.
Add all these crap professional articles masking the real deal. Flush the non-essentials. It took a week, but amazingly a strong plan was released four days ago that changes the doom gloom articles.
It’s plain and simple. The only employees who should worry anymore are those employed by procrastinators or people ready for retirement anyway. Here’s why.
Between the CARES Act and the included byline called the Paycheck Protection Program – If you are sitting at home, unemployed with no income right now, praying your unemployment application which was deployed with more than 12,000 in the first day of a system used to a couple hundred at best – take comfort in knowing that just like the rule that said no one can be foreclosed on. No one can have the internet disconnected. They’re now trumping that and saying if you are a business owner that couldn’t keep payroll going for employees sitting at home with the #StayHome order, and shut down of all non-essential businesses, now you can. Plus, you’ll be 100% forgiven for the loan if you follow the rules and don’t blow it on BS and actually apply it to the essentials of keeping your employees paid through this furlough and keeping your lights on.
The world of bills just stopped. No one is going to lose their homes, utilities or vehicles. Gas is cheaper than it’s been in more than 20 years. The only money we will currently need is for supplies, and you’re getting a check of about $1k a week to cover it. Tax-free. Plus, you will get replenished for lost work Feb 15 through June 30. Back pay. So, if you have a boss that cares and applies for it, they’ll receive it. That’s it.
There’s no fear of losing your job anymore if you are any of the above.
The only reason you should worry about losing your job is if you didn’t contribute anything significant to your employer prior to this reason to unload you. Everything will shake out. Hang in there. Reach out to all the people in your community begging on social media to help others if you’re in the short term pain point area and needing food or supplies.
If you are still working every day – from home or on-site and earning your paycheck – I expect another bonus to come our way soon for working ahead to make the essentials still function. No one knows what it takes to deliver a bottle of Napa wine to an Ohio shelf when there’s a pandemic afoot. Or a loan. Or your garbage to miraculously get picked up and disappear. Some guy is making minimum wage, greeting EVERY shopper with a cart who rolls into Meijer and saying welcome, while taking their thin Clorox wipe and swiping your handlebars for you whilst breathing in every person rolling in. And exhaling them.
We’ve got this.
Exhale at home, pay what bills you can, take care of yourself. Eat. Call friends and family. Find value and purpose in every day for YOU.