Signs make things official.
A sign makes a rule. A rule sets an expectation for the readers to follow.

We use signs as décor within our homes and landscaping to communicate our beliefs or passion or declaration of unity.

There are signs to allow us the opportunity to self-educate or pay homage lest no one forget the real story.

Lately, we have a new category for signs similar to the rules but merely policed by societal judgment. Sadly, I get it.
The whole gamut of signs that had to be cranked out to immediately communicate the new way things gotta work around here if we’re going to be ok.
Due to shipment limitations, please allow one pack of toilet paper per person. We restock daily.

I haven’t seen toilet paper for sale in 10 days but hear about people who found it. They got their one.
I’m still good. It’ll be fine. I just imagine those people who created a need for a sign like that.
And preventing the good caretaker from coming in twice as often so they can also get a pack for their homebound senior parent.
Without getting judged and shunned. The limit signs seem to be the same peculiar pattern. Rice. Frozen potatoes. Frozen bread dough. Sanitizer and paper stuff. The bread came back. Milk came back. Still a limit but it’s there.
So bizarre. It makes me wonder if it’s the same hoarders tracking the delivery trucks to get their daily ration? How’s it still a problem? Or is it being hybrid quarantined means we’re all congregating at the Kroger cause we gotta get out? I don’t feel like it. People don’t like running into each other because it’s not cool to hang out and people stare.
Weird, right?
Plus the aisles aren’t 12 feet apart so you’re gotta cross 6 footer rules plus checkouts getting back up.
I feel like by the looks of the buggies everyone is being aware and share like. So it must be the first theory. Hoarders.
I only think that because I wonder who they are. I almost want to learn the delivery schedules just to see who knows them. Lol.
But hey, we knew Weller’s bourbon delivered every Wednesday at 9 am but you need to wait until at least 9:40 because they have to get it from the back to the liquor store part but as long as you show up by noon you’ll end up with one. It’s limit one. And we only pull the rule when he’s getting low which takes a while. Especially when we are there on a Thursday and surprised we saw one on the shelf still so might as well. Take the gamble out of it for next time.

Tis the season of TP. Total. Panic. For TP.
Carryout and DoorDash only. Limit 6 people in the store at once. Thank you.
Drive-Thru Only
Due to COVID-19, we will be closed UFN. Sorry for any inconvenience.
I’ve found that it’s acceptable to speak or address someone walking the sidewalk past your house if you are working in your yard.
There’s no sign yet.
I’ve noticed when you take a walk, lots of people are taking walks. We always took walks. Now lots of people are taking walks. And taking walks as families or total households.
That’s cool. It’s almost like the trails and sidewalks around my community have become church at Easter. Or Christmas Eve.
We’ll see what it’s like when this is over. I hope that’s one thing from this weird thing we keep.
The awkward game of following the rules chicken, not so much.
“Are you making the six-foot gap to pass each other, or am I?”
I can only walk on the street so much. About the only people out driving all the time seem to be the ones I get ticked at for speeding and now they don’t have school.
But it’s funny. I personally don’t mind. If we have to come within a couple of feet but we are each on the edge of the grass or sidewalks, so what. I’ll speed up and make it fast.
But some people get weird and peculiar about it, making me feel this awkward vibe coming from them and I begin to feel uneasy and go out of my way to give them the security they need type stuff. I bet they have toilet paper piled up alongside their closet.
Dogs are probably happy. Based on the dog crap piled alongside all the public spaces we got a lot of them walking through now. They provide bags, but I suppose no one has time to stop and pick it up.
There are signs, you know?

Thanks for reading.
If you want more about poo, here’s a story.