Take a Day

By December 30, 2019 October 29th, 2022 Heather, Pandemic Thoughts

My wish, hope, prayer is that you get a day that’s yours.

Here’s how I started mine.

A day where the only interruptions are made by you.

A day where the only decisions are made by you.

A day where you create something satisfying.

A day where you feel something gratifying.

A day where you feel validated for taking your day.

A day you cut out just for you, like a thin slice of pie after everyone’s had their fill.

True Days Off

A day you look forward to, experiencing positive anticipation while working up to it.

A day you recognize is open and block on the calendar – without any guilt.

A day where you can do whatever you want to do. Even if laundry, painting and closet cleaning are included in that growing list of possibilities your creative self wants to tackle when you have that day.

That day that refuels what makes you, well, you.  

Today I have that day. Tomorrow, too. My mind is so blown With excitement that I had to share it and pray you get one, or two…Too.

Ok, three would be nice. A week … I hope you get them, too. All of them. Because it’s important to take one here or there to do all these things with someone you love, too.

I bet when you go back to work, the reality of all the committed activities that make the world go round settle back in…you’ll be a better version of you for simply creating your own time within your heart’s desire.

That way, if you wear down again over the next couple of weeks, you’ll have another day to look forward to. I bet you’ll find more bursts of joy in the everyday in between. A sense of calm.

That’s what the next day ahead is for. Even if it’s just an average Saturday and everyone else has plans. Except you.

Which is the plan.

Thanks for reading. I hope you are inspired to take a day.


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