
coronavirus Archives - Oh Hey Heather | Say Something, comfortably

HeatherPandemic Thoughts

I am Woman, No Riots Necessary.

I wanted to put solid information out there for some calm thoughts to process during this wild storm of destruction. I believe this division is engineered and here's why. I agree a man can want to become a woman. I agree a woman can want to become a man. I agree a man can sometimes want to be a woman and sometimes not. I agree a woman can want to be a man sometimes and other times return to being a woman. I agree a man can want to be a man and prefer sex with other men. I agree a woman can want to be a woman and prefer sex with other women. I think that about covers the…
June 26, 2022
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Dems Da Rules.

In an effort to help others in public spaces of town avoid any embarrassing confrontations or misunderstandings, you gotta know the rules of your environment. Many places have different rules, which could become confusing. Here they are,  simplified, by where you may be and during what time.   Worker Rules Your boss is not required to disclose a possible exposure unless there’s a positive test to confirm the ill person has Corona. You won’t be considered at risk for exposure to the infected individual unless you were within their 6-foot social distance bubble for more than 15 minutes and did not wear a mask. This also would have had to occur during the 48 hours prior to the individual showing…
August 5, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Staying Safe during Masked Destruction DIY

Many of my friends and neighbors have been #SafeAtHome during the Pandemic which has led to many home improvement projects. I've not had the #AloneTogether experience, but that's not a criticism. I did get some days here or there to work from home and saved alot of money not going out or traveling for vacations. So I, like many, am tackling home improvement projects with the bonus cash earned by what I've named Forced Frugality. I happen to be very privileged to have found my dude. My hombre. My love of a lifetime. My partner in crime. He also happens to be a BOSS at construction both new and renovation. For those who do not live with a craftsman, you…
July 2, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Stranded or Strange, Deep Thoughts During the Daily Commute

I had a few thoughts on my commute in to work today. I first realized that I should appreciate the lighter traffic and open roads. Similar to the time I got stranded in the Detroit Airport by myself and just took it all in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgZwvvfvgVM This was me, back in my previous life of traveling, alot. I then thought, you know what, that Stan Lee is quite the foreshadowing king. This is probably what the five year timeline they had between End Game 1 and End Game 2 felt like when half the people disappeared. One day, everyone is gonna come back outside again and fill up the world. Until then, I'll take it all in. Then I started to…
May 5, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Fabric Face Filters. Is this going to be a thing?

This is the third Saturday since it began. You know, the COVID, Corona, quarantine, stay the eff home stuff started and it continues to get weirder. We are now to the point where the guidance says you can wear a mask if it makes you feel better but really since all the front line people need them, you can get by with a scarf or anything really that could act as a filter. I'm still me. Following that distance stuff and no mask. What I noticed on my fast trips to the kroger or like today, the first warm and sunny Saturday in April - Home Depot now has a clicker guy and a line to get on the roller…
April 4, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

The Only Employee Who Should Fear Being Let Go

I keep reading all of these fear-inducing articles about what employees should fear losing their jobs right now – entry-level, duplicate duties, overpaid managers…. Look, I fully get that in a grim and gloom world, that’s a natural assessment of the weakest links who shouldn’t get a rose to move on to another week of reality. Sure, maybe this is the excuse your boss needed for some time to dismiss those types of employees who fit within the above stereotypes, but I'd call that a preexisting condition that affects the virus. Those employees you questioned in the past, the ones dodging confrontation before all this happened.   Yet now that they’re roots are showing, in this all-hands-on-deck test of the…
March 31, 2020