Perspective + Stories + ExperienceThese stories and experiences are my own and mine alone. The opinions and truths stated do not reflect any company that employs me for my skills. I hope my thoughts and ideas inspire more people to come up with their own individual thoughts and share them too. Truth wins and there's a freeing feeling when you can create your own voice to inspire laughs, joy and internal discovery.


Connecting with Content – another Case Study

I appreciated how Brie, June Diane’s character in Grace and Frankie has been since day 1. I’ll admit, without her I think I would’ve given up around S5 E2. Oh, wait, I did. It wasn’t until I took a day off-grid to write much-needed content for work that I flipped it on as my typical think tank background noise. I typically capture the gist of a series to know the overarching crescendo of it. I can always tell how captivating a show is by how much I accomplish with it distracting me. It helps spark so much side road rabbit hole thinking and decipherings. It's still just enough that if Mark ever wants to watch a series I played as…
February 3, 2020

The tragedy of Kobe brings Hollywood together.

Today, as we hear the sad, awful news that the VP of the NBA, Kobe Bryant tragically passed away in a helicopter accident, we can take comfort in knowing that his passing has not been in vain. It's caused a country of healing. It's caused the largest forgiveness movement of Hollywood's biggest proponents of burning every man who ever had a questionable action against women. The tragedy has allowed us to move past #8 Kobe, and focus on #24 Kobe. We truly are becoming a united society of partisanship. Like for instance, John Legend jumped out for the R Kelly documentary to explain why he regrets profiting off of partnerships with him as he was unaware of what his behaviors…
January 26, 2020

Will Gen Z save us all? Thank Boomers.

I’m classified as Generation X. Raised by Boomers. Raising Generation Z teens. Here's my story as to why they may just be the saving Grace we need. But don't tell them - they've got enough things to worry about right now. So what do these titles mean? I’m stereotyped into a certain generation, just like Millennials and those observant Gen Z kidderoos that are growing up way too fast for this happy nester. As any person in the midst of their generation’s wet blanket of assumptions goes,  I went through my formative young career days being told by the media and bought-in boomers that I was ‘grunge’ and a ‘slacker’ and probably not going to be a contributor to a…
January 21, 2020

Do You Still Clip Coupons and Buy Newspapers? Yeah, Me Neither.

We had a Sunday paper on our doorstep this morning. I figure they must be doing some free thing to drum up some New Year subscribers? Who knows but when I used to get the Sunday paper I did like the flyers and coupons. Today, even though I know people who could be on extreme couponing and probably win, I think of what it would take for me to 1. Subscribe to the big city Sunday paper and 2. Cut out coupons and take them to use. Why did we get one? I still looked, though. What would it take to subscribe to a newspaper? My Answer: They have to change the revenue model, total format layout, distribution system, and…
January 5, 2020

The New Resolution – A 2020 Revolution?

It's that time again. The one time of the year you get very serious about a fresh start. Even more so when it's a new decade to boot. Here's three breakouts of what resolutions to consider for the best decade every. The first part is the Resolution marketing we're bombarded with and our role in it. the second part is a resolution commitment and being in the skin you're in, and finally, part 3, if you're still reading and committed by that point, is about women who skin shame other women - a challenge for the biggest resolution of all. Part 1: The Resolution Market I know, it’s currently NYE and everybody is thinking about a what to change about…
December 31, 2019

$19 a month and a free blanket

For only 63 cents a day, you can impact a life... All of these organizations' commercials, production and social proof of the need pull at every heartstring. Since they are all $19 a month and come with a free blanket, I thought It may be beneficial to combine them in one place, for free to help you pick which one. Shriners is wonderful. These kids are absolutely precious, their charity is on the 'good list' of legitimacy and their national media company does a great job. Hopefully at a significant discount. Here's hoping. Here's there statement about what the $19 does: The children in these commercials are wonderful. Oh, my heart. 'At Shriners Hospitals for Children®, stewardship is one of…
December 31, 2019
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Take a Day

My wish, hope, prayer is that you get a day that’s yours. Here’s how I started mine. A day where the only interruptions are made by you. A day where the only decisions are made by you. A day where you create something satisfying. A day where you feel something gratifying. A day where you feel validated for taking your day. A day you cut out just for you, like a thin slice of pie after everyone’s had their fill. True Days Off A day you look forward to, experiencing positive anticipation while working up to it. A day you recognize is open and block on the calendar - without any guilt. A day where you can do whatever you…
December 30, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

Confrontation Constipation

We’re afraid to offend the offensive.   It’s like confrontation constipation with a touch of avoidance followed by an uneasy head nod and a forced smile. But that's not all that happens. That's just the external indicators that you are internalizing whatever on-no-you-didn't thing that just happened while you keep it together. That's ok though, take a moment. Breathe. Contemplating your reaction allows you to process everything happening around you and whether it's worth a reaction or not. Doing something so that it doesn't stay inside, festering like gigantic, explosive turd fecal-ing it's way from your brain to all extremities slowly but surely tearing at your arteries and clogging your inner core. No, not really. You gotta get it out.…
December 28, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

Finding Free Adrenaline

If I were a stereotypical thrill-seeker, today I went skydiving after work. I accomplished things that gave me an adrenaline rush that kept rolling. It doesn’t change anything, but the rush is fuel for my soul. I conquered some fears that pick up every metaphoric brick I let fall away and put it back where it belongs. I got this. Lol. I almost forgot. Today I cold-called the president of a company to pitch an idea I have to diversify his revenue stream without investing in new machinery. Random, right? I actually wrote the presentation more than two months ago and tested it on a few trusted, objective people from different relationship circles in my life with flying colors. Why…
December 17, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

Words of Wisdom from Jessica Lange

If you didn’t already love every beautiful, tormented, multi-layered, strong and sometimes very ill and wretchedly fearsome articulate character portrayed by Jessica Lange, you’re going to love her much more when you read her wisdom playing the greatest role ever - her life story, unscripted. These quotes remind me that to live a life of extraordinary, pretend like Jessica Lange is watching you - and cheering you on. you wouldn’t want to let her down, after all. Here’s just a few gems of honest vulnerability by the queen herself. Enjoy! Acceptance and tolerance and forgiveness, those are life-altering lessons. For me, nothing has ever taken precedence over being a mother and having a family and a home. At a certain…
November 19, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

7 Ways to Fight Anxiety and Reduce Stress

We don’t talk about anxiety enough. We don’t learn how to identify it, where it comes from or how we internalize it. We can take pills to suppress it, and before I get any further into this story – I fully understand that some people biologically, hormonally – require medication. I’m not trained or schooled in any medical way either. I’ve just taken a lot of pills to try and fix me as a teenager and I’ve required them for anxiety after all three of my children were born. I haven't taken any since, and I think this is why. This is my story and what has been the best peace I’ve experienced in my constant thinking, high expectation, idea…
November 7, 2019

What I Think About Teen Trick Or Treaters

I’ve heard people talk about older kids trick or treating and they didn’t agree with giving candy to them. I kindly disagree.   Tonight, my 15 and 13-year-old sons are out there, with their friends and a pillowcase loving life right now.   These are good, kind, smart, funny young men who are not playing video games.   They aren’t on their phones or computers.   They’re laughing. They're running around, respectively.   They’re ordering funny costumes in advance and getting into character.   I learned that you have to teach someone how to apply nail polish if it’s their first time. Yikes! It was comical. And messy. I’ll always remember that memory.   For the record, my son suggested…
November 4, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

Destination 40 Vacations are a Must

It all began when we began to approach 40. When Mark was turning 40, we planned a Mexico all-inclusive and invited any couples or singles within our friends and family to join if they wanted, here’s a group link just in case. We were going regardless, but hey, you only turn 40 once. No one was able to make it, but we had the best time together ever. It was also early November, So the place was maybe half full, mostly Canadians and Wisconsin. They were all awesome and great people. We had a free upgrade in suites, restaurant/beach access and premium shelf status! Couldn’t beat it. Every day was a clear, sunny 85-90 degrees. Ahhhhh….I want to go baaaaaack.…
October 20, 2019

Dancing with Our Stars – The Clear Winners Are…. These Guys

Remember those friends of ours I mentioned in the Desitination40 story? Well, here’s a good reason why my Mark and I agree they’re our people. Why their best friends I hope all grown-up, lifelong #NoRegerts married couples seek in life to be their people. A mirror couple to be BFF’s with. Cause you have similar foundations. We had quite a few of these gem couples in Iowa. We’re grateful to be related to quite a few. They exist here, too. Here's a story about one of those couples. AKA golden rule couples Golden rule couples aren't common like having beer on tap. They’re more like $5 PBR pitchers. Every town has them, but you have to network to find the…
October 20, 2019

Why Dermographism Woke Me

In hindsight, I should've listened to my skin sooner. I kept getting itchy, very itchy - and once I scratched, it tripled in itchy and turned into hives. My nose and cheeks flush red. Anything rubbing or touching my skin snuggly triggered the itch areas worse. I had no idea what was going on. So after nearly two weeks, I called my doctor. She observed and said it could be a viral infection. 'When you start to feel it come on, take a Zyrtec. Call if it gets worse.' I felt silly like I wasted a doctor's appointment.  I didn’t even think of taking allergy pills. I was using anti-itch cream on it, the clear calamine kind used for bug…
October 14, 2019

Good girls gone bad to even worse.

I actually knew this girl. I knew lots of girls similar with challenging childhoods. Hundreds of girls. Girls like her have a harder place to succeed from. These teens come from all race and zip code. What they shared was their cyclic life, raised generations deep in a void mindset. I think that when you see that spark of possibility, of hope and see that they truly want to break free and not be in this, you gain more hope, too. I think of the characters like Julia Garner as Ruth in Ozark.  Emmy and Shanola’s as Fiona and V on Shameless. These raw, authentic women keep fighting. Like phoneix who rise from the ashes each and every time because…
October 5, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

The Stories Your Scars Tell Are Up To You

I used to be embarrassed by these two small scars on my left hand. That translates to 24 years of hiding or avoiding a conversation. "What happened to your hand?" usually occurs at some point or another and I didn't want to talk about it because admitting how it happened sounded weak to me. I didn't want to deal with judgments or pity. weak. So the years progress, and over time I grew from not necessarily hiding my hand to just not acknowledging that someone is looking at it, ready to ask, whether intentions were curious and innocent or not. I’ve spent the last year - year #25 -   thinking I’m a goofball. I should never be embarrassed again. Silly…
October 5, 2019
Food for thought

We’re All Just Older Kids, Even at Work

Let's make sure we're playing in the right sandbox. Our lives depend on it. At a recent conference in another time zone, I was among people that do the same stuff I do to some degree or another as a paid career. As we were eating lunch and getting to know one another, 'talking shop' as it's called, a beautiful and intelligent woman from Arkansas said with such politeness that at her work, there is a clique group of straight up, well, toxic people who would rather sacrifice being team players over some type of desired personal gain. She’s authentic in her descriptions with confession of struggling to stay optimistic at work. You could feel her heaviness in her heart.…
September 20, 2019
Food for thought

3 Things to Consider Before Shopping Facebook Ads

Facebook ads, no matter how cool, persuasive, funny and correctly targeted to you - are going to quite possibly be from a country far, far away. (And retargeted with every single ad just like it when you click) They are getting much more sophisticated in appearance. So if you open the ad, shop inside the pop-up and complete your order within Facebook, consider these three things before you buy. 1. You don’t mind that it’s on a slow boat from China. Yes, some things are worth waiting for. As long as it’s not last minute, meaning ten days out or less. In a world of next-day Amazon and our immediate gratification requirements of ‘Merica, it can feel weird to wait…
September 20, 2019

Rappers in Suburbia Paradise

I really like the man my teen son is becoming. I believe his group of friends are, too. They're good boys. They listen to music with meaning. Today marks a transitional day in the Oh Hey Heather house. Our oldest son has decided at 15.5 years, we should take the hardly used basement family room to convert into his bedroom. His friends use it most, anyway, for playing video games. He's right. His younger brother is excited to claim his vacated room, too. So the family project commences. I left work early this afternoon to surprise him and get started. I'm self motivated, too, because when it's all said and done, I claim the final smallest bedroom as a seven-year…
August 30, 2019
Food for thought

Hey Girl, Sit Down. And Learn From Sturgis Women.

If you’re using a public restroom, it’s because you gotta go. The term public restroom is loosely defined as anywhere you can acceptably drop the drawers and let out a self satisfying exhale of letting it go. Swanky department stores to weekend strong porta-johns that could use a bit more ventilation and blue water, they all qualify. Whatever spectrum of potty exposure you’ve put yourself in, when you gotta go, you gotta go. (If it’s bad enough, wooded areas or between open car doors will suffice). Nothing makes my bladder boil more than when you swing open that door to sweet freedom and find the seat covered in hover piss. When you’ve made eye contact with a toilet and there’s…
August 10, 2019

I got big Plains

The plains. So wide. Just wide. I mean, Iowa is wide. Headed to Bree’s new house in Iowa yesterday. Ohio has wide places. Ohio’s sunset last week This highway is so far ahead straight that it’s like you just can’t see that far straight ahead. Moments when I wish I had a fancy camera because this doesn’t do it justice. But this.  It’s just wide, open, uninterrupted consistency. They must of laser grid this for hundreds of straight miles. Very little anything of height but an occasional grouping of trees who managed migrate towards a small water pond in between fields of crops or wild grass. Billboards and road signs litter up when you get to a place of human…
August 4, 2019
Food for thought

The Willie Nelson Post That Almost Didn’t Happen.

My original post idea for this photo was going to be “Perfect song to begin a perfect day driving to an uncharted Adventure...” But then I hesitated. I decided I wasn’t going to post anything at all. I even put my phone away.  Why? Because I caught myself in time - I was afraid if any bikers or sarcastic individuals who know what the Sturgis tradition is, would make fun of me. Mock me. Belittle me publicly behind a faceless user name.  What if they notice the picture of our radio means we aren’t riding our bikes the whole way? I rationalized my delete button with “I’ll have a thousand things to post anyway. Between the past weekend with my…
August 4, 2019
Food for thoughtHeather

If America was a Company

I am so over politics.  I don’t even want to call it that anymore. It’s no longer politics or bipartisanship anyway. So for this story, I am going to use the analogy that our wonderful country is actually a company. We as Americans whether working, stay at home parenting, student, retired, volunteering – however you contribute(d) to the economy and progress of this country – are the employees. Then in business terms, our House would be like different department leaders meeting at the table to make big decisions for the company. Regardless of where you would sit at the table as an elected representative, you better be savvy enough to see the forest through the trees. The cause and effect…
July 12, 2019

Dear Husband, Here’s the Card Hallmark Didn’t Write.

I didn’t want to write a post on Facebook. I didn’t want to stand in the card aisle at Kroger reading card after card trying to find the one card some stranger wrote that came close enough to capture what I am trying to say to you so I can sign it as if it’s a stamp of approval. I also didn’t want to wait for a milestone year to say what I want to say right now. This is Anniversary #17. Not 20, 25 or 50. But 17 complete, season cycles of marriage. And here’s what I feel and think that I want to say about it. With great love comes a great fear. Not fear like basic realizations…
July 5, 2019