Perspective + Stories + ExperienceThese stories and experiences are my own and mine alone. The opinions and truths stated do not reflect any company that employs me for my skills. I hope my thoughts and ideas inspire more people to come up with their own individual thoughts and share them too. Truth wins and there's a freeing feeling when you can create your own voice to inspire laughs, joy and internal discovery.


Another Memory on the Story Wall

Read the headline and cue in the Dave Chappelle bit when he references the DJ guy and says, "Another one..." Then add in the sound effect of the HodgeTwins saying, Yeah.....  I shifted my story wall today and had to reconfigure to see how I squeeze something else in or phase out store-bought items with real-life experience material - souvenirs, milestone pictures, cool vacation memorabilia err yeah.. souvenirs. Story wall.  We went home to Iowa for Thanksgiving and collected new pictures as a gift from my brother and sister-in-law for an awesome vacation we had together this year in Gatlinburg and prints of pictures we took together when we met in Chicago for a weekend last summer to watch the…
November 29, 2020

4 Ways to Get Through This

This is the most intense period of time I’ve had to live in. In the depths of my heart, breadth of lessons lived and wisdom of eras survived I know one thing to be true. If you believe in what you believe from what you believe to be fueled by a strong, passionate desire to improve the world you are currently viewing on your screen, then we have a common thread. A common bond. An Eva in a Wall-E reality When you can connect on similar goals – meaning we all want our children and grandchildren to grow up in a free, safe and close knit place within a stocked pond of opportunity for finding dreams, personal growth, resiliency, healthy…
August 19, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Milestones During the Millennial Era

Here's a story to ponder before anyone pillages another American neighbor or town. Civil wars are genocide when innocent children, women and men are killed in cold blood. We know the famous one - the Nazis vs. the Jews. Let's talk our lifetime. Let's just focus on the 90's and through today. The past 30 years as we've been asleep at the wheel but our troops have been there, on the ground as our leaders order them to be. Yugoslavia: 1991 - 2001 and still dealing with the aftermath. The entire region is now all new territory lines and broke out in civil war. Keep in mind, April 26th 1992 were the LA riots of looting, murder and destruction over…
August 11, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Dems Da Rules.

In an effort to help others in public spaces of town avoid any embarrassing confrontations or misunderstandings, you gotta know the rules of your environment. Many places have different rules, which could become confusing. Here they are,  simplified, by where you may be and during what time.   Worker Rules Your boss is not required to disclose a possible exposure unless there’s a positive test to confirm the ill person has Corona. You won’t be considered at risk for exposure to the infected individual unless you were within their 6-foot social distance bubble for more than 15 minutes and did not wear a mask. This also would have had to occur during the 48 hours prior to the individual showing…
August 5, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Just the Facts, Ma’am

There's alot of things we know, we either don't think about it or weren't paying attention. We hold these truths, what shall we do with them? Here are statements I think we all, as Americans united, can agree are factual. Fact: We cannot choose our gender, race, family or intrinsic qualities. Fact: We know there’s a ladder and a ceiling. Some have further to climb, some climb anyway and some had help from those who climbed on their behalf. Fact: We know in 2005 the Supreme Court ordered the Ten Commandments to be removed from courtrooms all over the south. Fact: We know in 2012 Obama made the biggest funding cut in mental health in more than thirty years. He…
July 11, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Staying Safe during Masked Destruction DIY

Many of my friends and neighbors have been #SafeAtHome during the Pandemic which has led to many home improvement projects. I've not had the #AloneTogether experience, but that's not a criticism. I did get some days here or there to work from home and saved alot of money not going out or traveling for vacations. So I, like many, am tackling home improvement projects with the bonus cash earned by what I've named Forced Frugality. I happen to be very privileged to have found my dude. My hombre. My love of a lifetime. My partner in crime. He also happens to be a BOSS at construction both new and renovation. For those who do not live with a craftsman, you…
July 2, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

The Genius of Ricky Gervais

I hadn't watched the Office until my son wanted to binge it on Netflix. I knew this Gervais bloke was behind the original UK version, and that the show is hilarious, but it didn't phase me in the least. My introduction to the Mr. Ricky Gervais came differently than most. Yet unexposed to the Office, I still absolutely adored his witty, authentic story telling since I landed the two season box set of Extras in 2009 from my brother, Adam. My goodness what a gift this man has. If you have HBO I recommend you check out Extras. After consuming his raw, fun look into what it's like to be an extra while waiting for the audition that changes everything,…
June 3, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Take Us to Your Leader

Usually, when communities across a country can organize and centralize within a day, there's a hierarchy of leadership. Just as armies form and infiltrate to use force as a means to demand control. Generals, captains, sergeants... Photo Credit - Dallas Morning Star Who is their leader? Our fellow US citizens are fighting, destroying, burning - basically shitting in our own bed - alongside strangers who showed up in their neighborhoods with pallets of bricks. It's assumed by all the people at home posting memes of solidarity on social media that the intention is to get a positive result of change, which one would assume in their minds is to achieve racial equality, justice for George Floyd. We can all get…
May 31, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Can I Mask a Question?

Masks I fully agree with every frontline worker who wear masks being very angry on Facebook about those refusing to wear masks. But I don’t want to wear one either. We need to come together and agree on something. We disagree with the purpose we are told for why they are needed now when they weren’t before. Even several weeks into this shutdown. I feel the underlying issue that neither side is saying is why Medical professionals wear them and why we are supposed to wear them. Medical professionals must wear PPE to protect themselves from exposure of those they care for and save. The general public is being shunned into wearing whatever because everyone is afraid of us. Now…
May 18, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Stranded or Strange, Deep Thoughts During the Daily Commute

I had a few thoughts on my commute in to work today. I first realized that I should appreciate the lighter traffic and open roads. Similar to the time I got stranded in the Detroit Airport by myself and just took it all in. This was me, back in my previous life of traveling, alot. I then thought, you know what, that Stan Lee is quite the foreshadowing king. This is probably what the five year timeline they had between End Game 1 and End Game 2 felt like when half the people disappeared. One day, everyone is gonna come back outside again and fill up the world. Until then, I'll take it all in. Then I started to…
May 5, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

The Great Hate Challenge

I have learned a lot about people socially during this Covidiocy we are in.  I see a lot of opposing views and comments on social media, always have. These days I wonder if the work or stay home stress is causing it to be so much angrier. I just can't these days.  I've begun socially distancing myself from social media for the sake of sanity. I only like social these days when I see what people are up to or sharing stories about their family or something they are proud of. Now that's about 1/3 of it. There's another 1/3 that are thoughts, memes, articles, or statements that align with me and validate I'm not alone. The remaining 1/3 are people…
April 25, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Putting the ‘X’ in Anxiety

I wanted to take a walk. This wasn't my first walk since you know, this. But it was my first walk in a few days of possibilities to do it again. I used my yard as my physical activity lately with sunny, spring days. I just wanted a walk. Headspace. A good playlist as I Appreciate every clear, pain-free breath of fresh air. Or so I hoped. Then it became a jog and short cut back. Just go home, I thought. I'm a people pleaser, I get it. I'm the one that will go out of the way to ease someone else. That's not the issue. I totally take the high road so they don't have to. Some passerby’s are…
April 8, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Fabric Face Filters. Is this going to be a thing?

This is the third Saturday since it began. You know, the COVID, Corona, quarantine, stay the eff home stuff started and it continues to get weirder. We are now to the point where the guidance says you can wear a mask if it makes you feel better but really since all the front line people need them, you can get by with a scarf or anything really that could act as a filter. I'm still me. Following that distance stuff and no mask. What I noticed on my fast trips to the kroger or like today, the first warm and sunny Saturday in April - Home Depot now has a clicker guy and a line to get on the roller…
April 4, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

The Only Employee Who Should Fear Being Let Go

I keep reading all of these fear-inducing articles about what employees should fear losing their jobs right now – entry-level, duplicate duties, overpaid managers…. Look, I fully get that in a grim and gloom world, that’s a natural assessment of the weakest links who shouldn’t get a rose to move on to another week of reality. Sure, maybe this is the excuse your boss needed for some time to dismiss those types of employees who fit within the above stereotypes, but I'd call that a preexisting condition that affects the virus. Those employees you questioned in the past, the ones dodging confrontation before all this happened.   Yet now that they’re roots are showing, in this all-hands-on-deck test of the…
March 31, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Signs, Signs Everywhere are Signs

Signs make things official. A sign makes a rule. A rule sets an expectation for the readers to follow. Signs Help Us We use signs as décor within our homes and landscaping to communicate our beliefs or passion or declaration of unity. There are signs to allow us the opportunity to self-educate or pay homage lest no one forget the real story. Lately, we have a new category for signs similar to the rules but merely policed by societal judgment.  Sadly, I get it. The whole gamut of signs that had to be cranked out to immediately communicate the new way things gotta work around here if we’re going to be ok. Due to shipment limitations, please allow one pack…
March 29, 2020
HeatherPandemic Thoughts

Stop Breaking the Boomers

I believe that starting today, the President should be able to approve any and all marketing plans for products that target our senior citizens as consumers. The specific advertising categories are drugs, unsound financial gimmicks or any service that uses fear and panic as the tactic for a call to action. Here's my why story to support that statement. Like, what the hell is this add about Heaven? Watch this - I couldn't believe it. These commercials run across all cable networks during the day. It's also the most affordable time to buy ad placements so if you're targeting seniors, you have impressive margins of return. Catch the Price is Right or Judge Judy sometime. You'll see. What bothers…
March 17, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Oh, give me a home.

If you’re a buffalo, where you're born determines your qualityof life. I think they're Bison, actually? Bison Wild Wings just doesn't have that ring to it though. If you’re born in Yellowstone, you’re only threat ispossibly getting struck by a car. Live long and Prosper. If you’re born on a buffalo farm in Iowa, well, It may be tight spaces and facing amidlife meat cleaver. If you’re a cow born in India, you wear jewelry and have theright of way on all streets. You're cherished and sacred.  Sidebar - There are more than 400 McDonald's in India. How does that work?  If you’re a cow born in America, you’re what’s for dinner. And drink. And collagen. And rugs. It is…
March 15, 2020
Pandemic Thoughts

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight

Pretty surreal and validating experience flying this past week. Que the Phil Collins Drum solo. I must say, having round trip airplane rows to myself and a Chicago layover both ways with no lines was quite refreshing. Having the American Airlines ticketing staff call me by name while I was still at the kiosk was a memorable customer experience. “Hey, Heather - I’m printing your bag tag over here, you can bring it on over.” Well, thank you very much, Shari. I appreciate that. TSA checkpoint number 3 (Kiosk 1, bag checker 2) was all officers. And me. Since this was a personal trip, I had no laptops or baggies of little fluids to whip out with my shoes…
March 11, 2020

Yeah, Me Too. Same.

I think enough time has passed to return back to the original common phrase for agreeing with something that someone else says. Yeah, me too. After all, it’s as common of language as the basic aisle chatter at Kroger: How are you? Fine, and you? Good to see you. Yeah, me too. From basic acquaintance to friend to family to a stranger in line at the store - The ‘understood’ exchange of words that happen when you take a moment to interact with someone who speaks your language is in a state of pause and rethink a response. I fully get and support the intention behind the repurposing of the agreeable salutation with a hashtag in front of it. The…
February 29, 2020
Food for thought

Stop and Go Day

Today I drove to an appt that’s on the other side of the closest city. So it’s a clip but I enjoy her keeping it real with me about working harder on getting healthy. I’ve plateaued recently and have really felt like writing for myself and for work and since I only have so much evening time, I recently began blowing off physical activity for more screen time. Ugh. I digress. She gave me the kick in the butt I needed. In my written plan of numbers, she walks me thru it and says- “Ok, let’s review. One. Count calories again and get back to 1100..” she hesitates. Looks me in the eye and compromises with herself, “ok make it…
February 20, 2020

Let’s talk about poop

There seem to be more game-changers in our life now than any generation before us. Or are there? We still say new inventions are the best thing since sliced bread so maybe every age has game-changers to talk about around the water cooler. Here's a twist on one game-changer that takes the ewww out of poo. Let’s forget inventions like flying, driving, television and the internet. Those are world-changers. I'm talking game-changers. I’m talking about hacks you didn’t know you needed until someone showed it to you or told you about it. No way, nuh-uh… because it takes a lot these days to get us to look up from our phones and be pleasantly surprised about something. tell me more...…
February 17, 2020
Food for thoughtHeather

Overthinking the Repercussions of Accepting a Status Quo Mindset.

Do I give in or get back up? Chicken or the egg? I’ve really been trying to crack my own code. Get out of my head. Practice the repetition needed to recondition my mind to healthier habits while trying to give up the unhealthy ones. I'm digging deep to find ways to relax, reflect the conundrum of whether I create more problems or simply point out theories of why we accept certain things as, well, acceptable. With or without merit. It's a sailboat, right? You know, a little R&R. Rest and Reflect. I figure I may be missing a treadmill here or there, not make my steps for the day and hindering my progress to that ultimate bod, but…
February 11, 2020

This ain’t Your Momma’s Broken Heart 2.020

‪ ‪In reflection, I think it would be so cool if Miranda Lambert read little ole me’s story post of this idea. I felt inspired to create a flip side to that beautiful vinyl. Here’s my opportunity thought: I relate to 100% of her intentions within every song she‬ writes solo or in group. Whatever her issue, anyone can relate to the pain of that. That’s why she’s awesome anyway. It shows.  What if she tweaked the context of the main lyrics to my all time favorite , “Ain’t my Momma’s Broken Heart” to “Just Trust My Momma’s broken heart” as a dedication to special women who’ve got a lot of stuff going on right now so that the overarching…
February 5, 2020

Mmmmm … Matches

Since our daughter grew up and moved out, I’ve been the single woman in my home. Meaning I live with my husband, two teenage sons, a challenged male puggle, and a high maintenance female little white dog that doesn’t count because she needs to calm down to qualify as my girl which happens barely often enough to try and help her overcome her type A hole syndrome. So imagine my surprise when - for the third time since the weekend - I’ve come home to my candles lit. The men in my life are lighting them. Which is new. This is new. Who knew? Sure, I still appreciate Scentsy - especially the Cinderella scent. Thanks to my daughter, it’s my…
February 4, 2020